15 mini CC3D through machine open source flight control. 1/3 smaller in size, lighter weight, applicable to TAROT 200,250 through the machine and other small, exclusive standard antenna pedestal, shockproof double-sided stickers, standard silicone cable.
- Case Size: (30 × 45 × 12mm) 6.7g
- Bare board size: (39 × 17mm) 2.8g
- Seat antenna × 1
- 8P cable × 1
- 4P extension cable × 1
- Tutorial official website link:
- Flight Control Scheduling video tutorial: http: //v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzYwMTU2NDI0.html
- Official website: http: //www.openpilot.org/
- Tutorial: http:? //wiki.openpilot.org/pages/viewpage.action PageId = 20250682
- Ground station software: http: //wiki.openpilot.org/display/Doc/Installing+the+Ground+Control+Station